The Job Of Mothering
As a new mother you’ll be asked, “What did you do today?” While you’re stumbling for the words in your lack-of-sleep fog, let me step in with a few suggestions...
That’s tiring and also loving and that’s the job of mothering.
Those things are draining and also heart-warming and they’re the job of mothering.
That’s wearisome and also caring and that’s the job of mothering.
That’s exhausting and also bonding and that’s the job of mothering.
Mothering happens moment by moment, day after day, year by year.
Then one day, you’ll send this human being out into the world knowing that your mothering - your mistakes, your moments of showing up even when you didn’t feel like it, your big and small glories when you were getting it right - will have been enough. At that point a whisper in her ear will say, “I am loved” leaving her with a desire in her heart to pay it forward.
This is beautiful! Brought tears to my eyes in a good way. The acceptance that we can still mother while it is exhausting. Those moments add up and motherhood is a growing experience. Such a loving and reassuring message.
Thank you Jennene. As mother of twins you were likely doubly exhausted with your offering of two gifts! Well, three really. We could never forget your third gift!😘