Packing the Diaper Bag

First time you’re venturing out with your baby? That can be a little scary. What if your little one gets hungry or fussy or has one of those major blowouts that leaks everywhere?
No matter how hard we try, it’s good to remember, even the very best moms can’t anticipate everything. The good news is, this is also true: All seasoned moms have been there and most will be sympathetic when they see you trying to balance baby, diaper bag and coffee cup as you make your way out the door. Actually, people don’t really notice what’s going on around them as much as we think and learning to let go of doing things perfectly will be a useful skill in the years to come.
All that said, it’s nice to be prepared, so here are a few tips for packing your diaper bag like a pro.
Here's where we start.
Let’s think of our daily routine and walk through all that’s involved during the time we’ll be away from home. Mostly we’re changing, feeding and playing, right? So let’s start there...
Bag into the car, baby in the car seat. You and your sweet one are off on an adventure. Be proud of yourself for making it out of the house, diaper bag packed, clean diaper in place, baby with a full belly.
It’s a lot to coordinate, but you’re on your way!
I’d love to hear about a favorite item you never leave home without.